Configuration for root logins

Thomas Köller thomas at
Sun Jul 14 22:54:35 AEST 2024


I am trying to configure OpenSSH to allow root logins, without success 
so far. So I could really use some advice.

This is my server configuration:

AllowUsers = thomas root
AuthenticationMethods hostbased,publickey
ExposeAuthInfo = no
ForceCommand none
GSSAPIAuthentication no
HostbasedAcceptedAlgorithms ssh-ed25519
HostbasedAuthentication yes
HostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly yes
HostKey /etc/ssh/host_key_sarkovy.koeller.dyndns.org_ed25519
IgnoreRhosts yes
IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes
KerberosAuthentication no
ListenAddress =
ListenAddress = fd46:1ffa:d8e0::1
PasswordAuthentication no
PermitEmptyPasswords no
PermitRootLogin yes
PermitTTY yes
PermitTunnel no
PermitUserRC yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms ssh-ed25519
UseDNS = no
X11Forwarding no

For now, the client machine is on a static IP address, just for testing 
using my in-house network. But later the client machines will be on 
dynamic IP addresses, which is why I have 
'HostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly yes'. With this setup I can log into my 
regular user account 'thomas', so hostbased authentication at least 
seems to be configured correctly. But root logins are rejected like this:

root at htpc:~# ssh sarkovy
root at sarkovy: Permission denied (hostbased).

I created a /root/.shosts file containing

fd46:1ffa:d8e0::2 root root

to no avail. Enabling debug output on both the server and the client did 
not produce anything hinting at the reason why logins are failing, or at 
least I have been unable to spot anything like that.

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