Splitting of sshd binaries in 9.8?

Damien Miller djm at mindrot.org
Wed Jul 17 10:31:04 AEST 2024

currently it's like this:

sshd [listener]
sshd-session [privsep monitor]
  |      |
  |    fork
  |      |
  |    sshd-session [preauth unpriv]
 fork (after auth completes)
sshd-session [postauth unpriv]

I think the next step will be to move the preauth unpriv process into
its own binary.

The final step will be to move the postauth unpriv process to a separate
binary, as well as (for portable) adding a new ssh-pam-helper binary that
will be called by the privsep monitor.

At that point, there will be no address-space inheritance and minimal
code sharing between the various processes.

On Sun, 14 Jul 2024, Lars Noodén wrote:

> I realize that the splitting of the sshd binaries is a work in progress.
>  Nonetheless I am trying to make a diagram of the situation as of 9.8.
> How close have I gotten?
> Is it correct that currently for a basic session, binaries are run four
> ways?
> 1. A privileged binary to listen for incoming connections (66717 below)
> 2. A privileged session monitor to track the session, for the duration
> of the session (1095 below)
> 3. A temporary, unprivileged binary to negotiate the key exchange and
> the authentication with the privileged monitor (6801 below)
> 4. An unprivileged binary running as the main account for the duration
> of the session (95350 below)
> Here is what I am seeing with ps:
> $ ps -ax -o user,pid,ppid,args | grep [s]shd
> root     66717     1 sshd: /usr/sbin/sshd [listener] 0 of 10-100
> startups (sshd)
> $ ps -ax -o user,pid,ppid,args | grep [s]shd
> root     66717     1 sshd: /usr/sbin/sshd [listener] 1 of 10-100
> startups (sshd)
> root      1095 66717 sshd-session: lars [priv] (sshd-session)
> sshd      6801  1095 sshd-session: lars [net] (sshd-session)
> $ ps -ax -o user,pid,ppid,args | grep [s]shd
> root     66717     1 sshd: /usr/sbin/sshd [listener] 0 of 10-100
> startups (sshd)
> root      1095 66717 sshd-session: lars [priv] (sshd-session)
> lars     95350  1095 sshd-session: lars at ttyp1 (sshd-session)
> And here is an ASCII art interpretation sequence, partially based on
> Niels Provos' privilege separation diagram from 2003:
> +----------+
> |  priv    | <========================================= New Connection
> | listener |
> |  (root)  |
> |          |
> |          |  +---------+
> |          +--+  priv   |
> |          |  | session |
> |          |  | monitor |
> |          |  | (root)  |                  +--------+
> |          |  |         +------------------+ unpriv |
> |          |  |         |                  |   net  | ==> Key Exchange
> |          |  |         |                  | (sshd) | <==
> |          |  |         |                  |        |
> |          |  |         |                  |        | ==> Authentication
> |          |  |         |                  |        | <==
> |          |  |         | <== Req Auth === |        |
> |          |  |         | = Auth Result => |        |
> |          |  |         |                  +--------+
> |          |  |         |
> |          |  |         |                  +---------+
> |          |  |         +------------------+ unpriv  |
> |          |  |         |                  | session |
> |          |  |         | <== Req PTY ==== | (lars)  |
> |          |  |         | === Pass PTY ==> |         |
> |          |  |         |                  |         | ==> Net traffic
> |          |  |         |                  |         | <==
> +----------+  +---------+                  +---------+
> Have I missed or misinterpreted anything?
> Thanks.
> /Lars
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