[PATCH] ssh-add: Support '@' in the user part of destination constraints

Damien Miller djm at mindrot.org
Fri Sep 6 12:11:52 AEST 2024

On Thu, 5 Sep 2024, Max Zettlmeißl via openssh-unix-dev wrote:

> Properly adding a (complete) host constraint for one of my Git SSH
> identities was impossible because the string got split into username
> and host at the first '@', yet the username itself contains an '@'.


> If you are unsure about the current behaviour of the OpenSSH client
> and need further help to verify it, just read the linked thread which
> should contain all the details.
> I'm getting a bit tired of arguing a one character diff in
> excruciating detail.

Save yourself some trouble next time and read
https://www.openssh.com/report.html -- tech at openbsd.org isn't a great
place to report OpenSSH bugs. I read it only infrequently.

> Ok?

Patch seems ok, but I think it makes sense to review all the
user at host parsing; grep "str.*chr.*@" is a mess...

I'll look at it.

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