ssh not recognising ssl libraries

Wipro UWIN uwin at
Thu Jul 19 23:32:26 EST 2001

Hi all,
We are in the process of compiling OpenSSH for our product
UWIN which is very similar to cygwin.

Here is a brief description about UWIN:
Wipro UWIN is a Unix to Windows migration toolkit that gives you most
features of a traditional Unix operating system on Windows NT and Windows
Features include pipes, hard file links, Unix networking, and Unix graphical
support through the X Window System. UWIN also provides Unix and POSIX.2
utilities such as ksh, awk, and vi. The UWIN environment is a User-mode
runtime library, which works over the Win32 subsystem. Shell scripts and
other scripted applications that use Unix and POSIX.2 utilities will run
under UWIN. Support is also provided for work on a Windows NT
system remotely through a Telnet session.

We could get the binaries of SSL & installed it.
But we are getting an error, "could not find ssl library".

checking for OpenSSL directory... configure: error: Could not find working
SSL library, please install or check config.log

We also tried giving the path from configure:
$./configure --with-ssl-dir=/usr/local/openssl
where /usr/local/openssl is the directory which contains the include, bin &
lib files.
but still the same problem continous.

Any suggestion in compiling Openssh will be of immense help to us.

Thanks in advance
Wipro UWIN Support Team
E & I Solutions, Wipro Technologies
No.8, 7th Main, 1st Block,
Bangalore - 34
Tel : +91-80-5525125/2  Ext.1042
Fax : +91-80-5530085

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