forwarding stdin/out to remote socket

Igor Bukanov igor.bukanov at
Tue May 3 00:09:00 EST 2005

On 5/2/05, Lucio Crusca wrote:
>I believe you are working around a lack of feature in sshd: sshd should
> be able to choose a free port and forward that port, but, as for now, it 
> isn't.

I do not think so. What I would like to do is to replace the current
invocation (where hose is from

ssh remote_host hose localhost 5901 --netslave
ssh -oForwardStdInAndOut=localhost/5901 remote_host 

In this way a process (hose) that simply copy megabytes of vnc traffic
would be eliminated decreasing latency. BTW, what would be a better
name then ForwardStdInAndOut ?

Regards, Igor

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